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© 2023 Created and Designed: Nicola Lanci.
VAT: IT02778190690 |
The audio and video on this site have been authorized by clients and project managers
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Tomorrow I'll be what I choose to be today. Today I am what I chose to be yesterday.
(James Joyce)
I was born with a passion for voice acting and speakering. Since I was a child, I've always loved playing at inventing fantastic stories and building elaborate tales to entertain my friends. On TV, I followed my favorite heroes and had fun "dubbing" them, even though I had no idea what I was actually doing. For me it was a game, the movie gave me the lines and I answered, following the tones, intentions, moods. I did it with Cartoons, Films, Documentaries and even some "historic" commercials.
Then, one day I found an old tape recorder in the basement and, after dusting it off, I borrowed the batteries from all the remotes in the house and discovered that IT WORKED! I had just discovered a new game.
A lot of time has passed since then and, while before it was just a game, today it's 1 my job and I've had the honor of lending and giving voice to so many products. Maybe you haven't heard of me yet, but you've surely heard me speak…
Fill out the form below or click on the Contact page for more information
My experience, combined with the vocal versatility of a baritone ranging from fresh and energetic to warm and emotional tones, blends perfectly to achieve a UNIQUE Voice Over. Need multiple Voices, Synchronization, Sound effects, Music mixing, Mastering or Subtitles for your Project? Contact me and I'll provide everything you need in a SINGLE SOLUTION... For details, see the Other Services or Bookings section
Nicola Lanci Voice Over Services
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