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nicola lanci doppiatore microfono

Who I am

My name is Nicola Lanci, born in 1987, and I am a theater actor, voice actor, radio and advertising speaker.
I was born with a passion for dubbing and voice-overs, since I was a child I spent my days with old cassette players and enjoyed announcing songs, recording commercials and telling stories.
I "launched" myself into the rewarding path of theater and music, obtaining great results and living experiences useful for personal and artistic growth.

Already at the age of 20 I approached the world of dubbing thanks to a small local production, specialized in documentaries, e-learning and event presentations. From there I continued with live readings and recordings of small local commercials.

These experiences fascinated me so much that I made a decision:I will work with the voice!

It wasn't easy at all: I thoroughly analyzed what were my limits (at the time) and worked hard to overcome them, diction, professional theatre, internships, dubbing courses, experiences in innovative and nascent realities (web radio), apprenticeship , sweat and a lot of determination, interpretative reading, presentations, until you get to feel with your hand (and test with your voice), what are the environments of professional dubbing.

And while every ThuI continue to improve, I feel like saying:
This is my job!

I have a baritone voice, capable of going from warm and mature to fresher and more youthful tones, very versatile and adaptable to any context. In my “musical” years I had the opportunity to work side by side with several services, some very valid, able to put aside their prejudice towards me (I represented their “natural enemy”, the guitarist), and show me the best functioning of compressors, equalizers, preamplifiers, which when set at their best, were able to achieve a spectacular sound even from an inexpensive guitar and microphone.

All these skills acquired over the years I have put into practice in my field and in my work, managing to provide excellent quality material, complete services of mix, master and possibly video editing and addition of subtitles, all to maintain a high standard and reach 100% satisfaction of my clients and collaborators!

My “luggage” is at your disposal, also with remote directions via the main platforms…

Contact me for more information… Thank you!

My Curriculum Vitae

You can listen to my podcast,
with my "modern fairy tales"

Nicola Lanci

Via Giovanni Calabro, 15

66034 - Lanciano (CH)

+39 328-0564083

VAT number 02778190690

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Nicola Lanci Voice Over ServicesPossiamo Parlare in ItalianoWe can talk in English
y también en Español

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